Monday, February 13, 2012

The Trials and Tribulations of Travel in Thailand

OK, so I'm not posting about so many trials and tribulations at the moment. I'm writing to say I'll be back to active blogging. Something about moving around that makes me want to write.

We've been staying in Chiang Mai, Thailand, in the north for 2 months! In some ways, times seems to have flown, and in others, it seems like a year ago since we first arrived.

We left today and do not plan on going back, at least, not during this trip. We are on the way to Laos at the northern edge of both countries, very close to China. We cross the Mekong River tomorrow and go thru the formal exit/entry procedures. Then we are hopping on a slow boat down the Mekong to a small town called Luang Prabang. It'll take two days to get there, but we should have beautiful jungle scenery along the way.

And, we'll hook up with Karen (Lefer) once we arrive!

Today we stopped along the way at this magnificent temple, called the "White Temple" because it was starkly white and very glittery in the sunshine. I took some photos I'll post soon.

One of the really cool things about this temple was the murals painted inside. Being relatively new (only a few years old), the murals were only partway done. Some of the pictures painted included Harry Potter riding his broom, Spiderman, Superman, Batman, Michael Jackson, Star Wars droids, guns, the twin towers, one being hit, other NY city-type scenes, the guy from Avatar riding the pteradactyl-creature, a rocket, fighter jets, very modern era stuff. Then there was this snake-type creature poised to eat all that technology stuff, with the Buddha residing above it all. Some spiritual meaning there, eh?

Most of the temples, or wats, have murals depicting scenes from the Buddha's life. But, this, well it was just surreal.

I have other stories to tell, but for now just teasers.....
A visit to the Elephant Sanctuary park where we fed and played with elephants,
Our Thai cooking course,
and probably more that I can't think of just now. Later for all that....

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, I enjojed, facinating reading. Cheers! Derek
