Saturday, December 31, 2011

HAPPY NEW YEAR from Chiang Mai

I'm already in the year 2012, a little ahead of everyone in the US. Noah and I celebrated on the streets of Chiang Mai, where there were probably thousands of people out eating, shopping, shooting off fireworks dangerously low and close to the crowds, and sending up into the sky balloons representing new year's wishes.

There were booths and booths of street stalls with everything from sushi, pad thai, meats and kebabs, fruit and fruit shakes, fried breads, french fries. Lots of fried things.

I am hoping the pictures tell the story......

Happy New Year!

Street food: sausages with meat and rice inside.
Noah stands in front of piles of pad thai.
I think that's fruit on the left and squid on the right, both yellowish in color.
Midnight Massage: We both had an hour massage in the street.

Wish Lanterns: Firing up the fuel source
       Lots of little lights, like stars, only much bigger lit the sky. There must have been thousands of these balloon/lanterns go up into the night sky. Eventually, they come down. They were all over the streets later in the night. I wonder how it will look in the day...... People keep things pretty clean here, so I imagine they will disappear soon. 

Panda Lantern

1 comment:

  1. hi and merry Xmas! Great to read about Bali love pat and Dylan
