Monday, November 14, 2011

Another Bali adventure - to the ER

The latest adventure, just happened about 2 hours ago: I slipped on a wet tile and fell - BOOM! And I had my computer in my hands - it went boom too. But, unlike me, it sustained no injuries (none obvious, anyway).

The back of my forearm broke my fall. Yes, I felt pain, but when I looked at it I really freaked out! A deep split in the skin, about 2.5 inches long. I got to see first hand what the fatty tissue and muscle looks like under there. After all those years of looking at artist Frank Netter's beautiful anatomical depictions of bone, muscle, corpuscles, etc. I finally got to see it live!

The gash in my arm. A pretty clean cut.

Dr. Komang treating my arm.
There was not really any blood, but it did hurt. Some lovely young women helped take me and Noah to the ER, about 10 min drive away. The doc was very good, very sweet lady. I found out there are two medical schools in Denpasar, the capital of Bali, one of which she attended.

She cleaned, sewed and dressed the wound. OK, I succombed to a local anesthetic, the limit of my intake of medicines. Then got straight back to my guest house and did some NMT on myself. We documented the whole occasion. Before and after photos, video of the sewing. I will take another photo when I take off the bandage in 3 days to see how the healing is going.

Four stitches later..... good as new, almost!

Being on the east coast of Bali, close to Lombok (another Indonesian island) and some of the best snorkeling and diving in Bali, it is unfortunate that I cannot get my arm wet for at least 3 days. Maybe snorkeling after then.....

I am well. Noah is well. I am grateful for kind people who help when help is needed.


1 comment:

  1. thanks for the gore :)
    glad it's healing.
    occupy wall street continues to provide just about all the emotional gore i can take as all the wonders of being human are attempting to come together in a common vision & do stuff that matters and changes thins!

    miss you!
    xo, shana
