Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Three Massages in Three Days

Bali --- a beautiful tropical paradise, great snorkeling and scuba diving, land of smiles, AND land of inexpensive massages.

Noah and I ate some bad beef one night. I immediately started feeling a stomach ache and very tired, had to lie down and take a nap. Then felt low energy for a couple of days. Noah had diarrhea for a couple of days.

I thought one of the best things to do to help get pathogen toxins out of the body was to have a massage. So, we both had one poolside at our guest house.

The next day, we went to get Noah's hair cut. As I was sitting waiting for him, the staff put into my hands all the options for massages. I ended up getting a shiatsu massage (thinking of you, Karen!) which was really awesome and just a little bit painful. I awoke the next morning with kidney pain, a sure sign to me that toxins were indeed moving.

The next day, our last in Bali, I went back to the same guy, Made Rudy, to get another shiatsu, while Noah got a leg/feet massage. He was practically falling asleep in the chair. My massage was another awesome experience. I felt fantastic the next day as we headed off to Singapore.

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